Wednesday 29 October 2008

Keynote address - Dr Neville Bain, Chairman IoD

Speaking as someone with extensive boardroom experience, rather than as a qualified project manager.

PM should be a key skill throughout an organisation – although not necessarily broadly accepted right through the organisation – and the resource is often insufficient.

Boards should be more closely involved in monitoring projects, particularly the larger ones, but are often ill equipped to do so and often board agendas allow little time for their discussion.
Governance may have taken over too much influence in boardrooms – taking over half the available time on agendas – surely this is inappropriate?

Greater acceptance of qualifications and professionalism at board level is essential to improve situation and chartership is a good step towards it but much work to be done.

SMEs in particular rely on consulting input - therefore on the skill of the consultant and in managing the consultant.

Example - IoD project – CRM project to align all membership information and providing better services to members and the organisation. Initially, poorly aligned because of silo management in IoD, project became shelved. With changed board, a new process embarked upon, following proper project management procedures – it will now go live as planned.

Change programmes are likely to focus on cost reductions for next while, but people have low expectations (60%) and 70% fail to achieve their objectives. Project management needs to be linked to the strategy process and budgetary process ( and monitored), with proper risk assessment and control.

IoD delighted to support the conference – a really important step in raising importance and relevance of project management You need boardroom support – think carefully about your own organisations and seek a champion on the board who recognises the value of project management.

Ensure linkages to strategy and risk assessment
Engage board with excellent reporting
Include PM as part of new directors’ induction

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