Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Transformation and transformational change - Anthony Lewis

Transformation is a favourite term for consultants – in this context it refers to major change. Major Change is high risk (and high reward) but can also be large and difficult.

Creating a transformation is often such a daunting prospect that it isn’t addressed. Often we wait until there is a ‘burning platform’ to make change happen, but change is inevitable; it should be anticipated and embraced.

Having a clear understanding of where we are and where we want to be is central to successful transformation. This involves ‘scenario probability’, demand forecasting and cost of service profiling.

This is the firm basis upon which good decisions can be made. Everyone has different perspectives and priorities - senior executives will have different priorities to the project manager. Therefore the transformation project manager will need to react differently in different situations.

The project professional has a key role to play in making this happen by shaping a strategy that can be implemented, they can help co-ordiante stakeholders and participants and ‘show the way’.

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